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Famous Marijuana Advocates

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Famous Advocates for Marijuana

Today, supporters of cannabis legalization are more ubiquitous than ever before with a whopping 64% now supporting legalization. There are numerous reasons for the broad support marijuana now receives, and we can’t help but think about how celebrities have helped further legalization through their advocacy. That being said, we thought it would be fun to note some celebrities who backed the buddha, and how they attribute cannabis to transforming/furthering their work.

Carl Sagan: there is perhaps no man more responsible for the popularity of astronomy and astrophysics in America than Sagan, who published 20 books and created the groundbreaking network show Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. A regular cannabis user, Sagan credited his productivity and creativity to cannabis and stated that the plant could give its users, “serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship.”

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: The CNN medical correspondent famously did a 180 on marijuana, saying that the American public had been “systematically misled” on cannabis in 2013. Since then, he has advocated to reverse the federal prohibition on cannabis and has touted it as a way to fight the opioid crisis.

Whoopi Goldberg: the actor, feminist, comic, and talk show host has been open about her use of cannabis both to relieve headaches and recreationally. Two years ago, she launched a line of marijuana products that aimed to relieve menstrual cramps.

Steve Jobs: this legendary CEO credits cannabis and hashish with helping him relax and fueling his creativity. Jobs once stated, “there would be no iPhone or iPod without cannabis.” Warning: this may trigger your anti-pot friends!

Bill Gates: Gates was a supporter of cannabis legalization in Washington and believes in the healing properties of Marijuana so much he helped launch the medical company New Light CBD.

Snoop Dogg: the rapper and cannabis enthusiast has literally put his money where his mouth is by starting Casa Verde capital, a venture capitalist fund that has raised over $45 million in marijuana investments in a little over a year.

Woody Harrelson: a tireless advocate for legalization and cannabis use, Harrelson made headlines when it was revealed that he gave up smoking marijuana. Weeks later, Woody stated that “you don’t have to smoke a brownie” but also stated that he “doesn’t smoke any less.”

Bruce Lee: the martial arts legend was introduced to the drug by movie star Steve McQueen, and became an avid user thereafter. According to his friends, Lee used the drug to calm down.

Brian Wilson (and the Beatles, Bob Dylan): one of the greatest American musicians, Wilson wrote “God Only Knows” after listening to the Beatles and smoking cannabis. Fittingly, the album he was listening to was Rubber Soul which John Lennon called the Beatles’ pot album. Wilson has credited his creativity and productivity in the Pet Sounds era to marijuana and supports legalization. The Beatles often used pot to wind down and relax and were famously introduced to the drug by Bob Dylan. We will stop here, in order to prevent creating a bizzare Russian nesting doll marijuana situation.

Jack Nicholson: the famous actor and cannabis user called cannabis a “curative thing” and pointed out the disastrous human cost of the War on Drugs and marijuana prohibition in 2011. He also starred in the classic film Easy Rider where he smokes real cannabis on film.

Seth Rogen: standing on the shoulders of the pro-pot giants Cheech and Chong, Rogen has created a series of movies where stoners aren’t just characters to be laughed at, but the protagonists/heroes of the film. These “stoners with a heart of gold” have likely furthered the cause of cannabis legalization as the public has been exposed to positive characters with a proclivity for pot use.

Hope you found this list informative! Are there any other celebrities you think should be on our list? Let us know on Facebook! Stay tuned for our next post and as always, toke on Dreamers![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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